Tuesday, July 4, 2017

PRAYER- For Reverence


Forgive me when I take my salvation lightly. Help me to remember that You left a throne to be small enough to reach me. I sometimes take for granted that You are the Most High God. I forget to consider that You are Holy and God of all. I forget the reverence with which I should approach You. From my earliest memories, I knew You were always there. I often forget that YOU , Father are my biggest blessing, and that You endured so much for me. Please help me to remember Your sacrifice and that my salvation isn't commonplace; That Your divinity is beyond anything my little human mind could conceive. Please let me not forget to tremble and fear You. I know You are my God and my Creator, let me not forget Your Sovereignty and Power, just because You are closer to me that a brother, attainable, and always faithful and forgiving.

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